Petit Nu Beargguy

The Petit Nu Beargguy is made by kitbashing a Petit’gguy and an SD Nu Gundam.

The mohawk, V-fin, shoulders, backpack, shield, and saber have all been custom-fitted to the Petit’gguy. Additional panel lines have been scribed into the chest and mouthpiece to better replicate the look of the Nu Gundam.

The piece is painted with a combination of Tamiya and Mr. Color paints and has been clear-coated with Mr. Super Clear Gloss and Mr. Super Clear Matte. The decals are from Bandai decal sheets, and some were custom-made.

Even though the Petit Nu Beargguy isn’t competition-worthy, he’s still really cute, and that’s what I was going for. I hope you like it!

Petit Nu Beargguy - WIP

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