
GBWC 2017 2nd Place United States

When I first picked up the MG Sinanju Stein ver. Ka, I had no idea of the journey I was about to embark on. Little did I know that this kit would become the foundation for a heavily modified and kitbashed creation I now call the Ozymandias.

I started by reshaping the head of an MG Gouf Custom with Tamiya Quick Type Epoxy Putty, adding styrene sheets and strips for detail. The winglets from a 1/144 Grimgerde completed the look. Moving on to the chest, I reshaped it with more epoxy putty and plastic sheets, laminating the cockpit hatch for more accentuated angles. A Kotobukiya MSG detail part in the shape of an eagle added a nice touch.

The shoulders proved to be quite a challenge. I used the ones from a 1/100 Grimgerde, modifying them with the internal structure from the Stein’s shoulders. MG ZZ attachment arms, modified to fit, now hold additional shoulder armor from a PG Wing Zero. I made sure to detail the inside of this armor with styrene sheet.

For the front skirts, I semi-scratch built them using parts from the Stein and building up with styrene. I even sculpted side vents using chisels. The side skirts started life as 1/100 Grimgerde arm shields before I worked my magic. And the back skirts? Almost entirely scratch built, save for a piece from an MG Ground GM.

I really went to town on the knee armor, heavily reshaping it with epoxy putty and plastic strips. I actually molded the original and recast it in resin to get two identical copies. Pretty clever, if I do say so myself! The legs feature added thrusters from an MG Z+ and 1/100 HG Buster Gundam, with scratch built vented inserts. I tapered the bottom of the legs and modified them with plastic sheet and strips. For the feet, I scratch built toe armor to fit over the Stein’s toe bottom and smoothed many parts for a more curvy look.

The backpack is a fusion of the Stein’s, parts from a 1/144 GN Arms, and an HGUC Gaplant. I scratch built double pivoting attachment arms using plastic strip and tube. And the weapons? The gun is completely scratch built, while the sword is a modified 1/100 Grimgerde’s.

To achieve that distinct Zeon look, I sanded many parts smooth for a more curvy appearance and scribed in custom panel lines. After priming with Mr. Surfacer 1000, I painted everything with Mr. Color Paints, glossed it with Mr. Super Clear, and applied Tamiya Panel Line Accent Color. Hi-Q, DL, and custom printed decals completed the look.

For the weathering, I tried my hand at chipping using Tamiya acrylics and small sponge pieces. Tamiya Weathering Master Oil Stain gave subtle color variance and edge accentuation. A final coat of Mr. Super Clear Matte brought it all together.

Looking back, I’m thrilled with how the Ozymandias turned out, even if the chipping is a bit heavy handed. For my first attempt though, I really can’t complain. It was a true labor of love and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it.

The process of creating the Ozymandias was not only a test of my modeling skills but also a journey of self-discovery. It taught me the importance of patience, perseverance, and the power of imagination. Each challenge I faced, whether it was reshaping a part or scratch building a component, was an opportunity to grow and learn.

One of the most rewarding aspects of this project was the ability to combine parts from various kits to create something entirely new. It’s like solving a puzzle, finding the perfect pieces that fit together to bring your vision to life. The satisfaction of seeing the Ozymandias come together, piece by piece, is a feeling that’s hard to describe.

Throughout the process, I also learned the value of taking risks and stepping out of my comfort zone. Trying new techniques, like the weathering, was daunting at first, but it’s through these experiences that we grow as modelers and artists.

In the end, the Ozymandias is more than just a model kit. It’s a reflection of the time, effort, and passion I poured into it. It’s a tangible representation of my growth as a modeler and a reminder of what can be achieved when you set your mind to something.

So, to all the modelers out there, never be afraid to take on a challenge, to push your limits, and to let your creativity run wild. You never know what incredible creations you might come up with.

As for the Ozymandias, it now stands proudly in my collection, a testament to the journey I underwent to bring it to life. And who knows, maybe it will inspire someone else to embark on their own kitbashing adventure.

Feel free to share this with friends if you think they’d dig it! Happy modeling, everyone!

Ozymandias Inspiration

The inspiration for the Ozymandias name came from the poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley. There have been many readings of the poem, but the one that really appealed to me was by Bryan Cranston and his reading of the poem for the show Breaking Bad. The line “Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!” really encompassed what I was going for the Ozymandias.

The Ozymandias Poem

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

Bryan Cranston Reading Ozymandias

Ozymandias WIP

Click here to see all the Ozymandias WIP Photos!

Ozymandias Artwork

Ozymandias Merch

Available in the Child of Mecha Store!

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