Nu Gundam Head 1/35

This is another model that should have been featured on the old site but wasn’t.

The model in question is the G-System 1/35 Nu Gundam Head Model (Original Version). After this version was released, G-System revised the design to be more angular, reducing the curves around the back of the head. Personally, I prefer this original version because of its smoother, more curved lines.

The build itself is essentially straight out of the box, with very few modifications. The only adjustment I made was to add some detailing to the front cowl, just in front of the neck. I incorporated a few plastic plates, some option parts, a green circular lens, and a few decals to enhance the look. Everything else remains as it came in the kit.

I found this kit to be outstanding as it was, so I didn’t see the need to complicate it with unnecessary additions. Sometimes, less is more.

For the paint scheme, I wanted to create something slightly modified from the traditional look. I added black to the side intakes and the hood just under the V-fin. Instead of the standard white, I opted for a light gray for the rest of the model. To break up the gray and black, I painted the mechanical components in a variety of metallic colors, including silver, gunmetal, and copper. Around the back, I used a black-and-yellow zebra stripe pattern on the tubular mechanism to signify importance and provide a warning effect.

Finally, I finished the piece with custom decals that I designed and printed myself.

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